sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017


  This house is a my Dream im Clarksville
A igreja que se transformou em habitação! 
Este é um lugar maravilhoso para se fazer um retiro do mundo.  
Retiro completo pois aqui é difícil falar pelos telemóveis pois não há rede.
Mas a internet está acessível.  

Esta cidade tem muitas casas que foram deixadas pelos donos que foram governar a vida material para outros lugares mais movimentados. 

tem de Área: 524 acres e de População: 435 (2014) mas hoje tem muito menos pois dia para dia os seus habitantes estão a sair. 

terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2017

Ao Gilberto ( colaburador ) Fugitivo

O Ser divino, Criador da vida e do Universo, deu ao ser humano um esplendoroso domicílio - o planeta Terra.
Quando o humano entrou pela primeira vez neste seu lar, havia uma "ponte" que o ligava ao Excelso e Perfeito Criador. 

Os primeiros humanos a podiam transpor e do outro lado carregar conhecimento suficiente para que este nosso lar se tornasse um paraíso. Mas ele iria ser um paraíso completamente diferente do que nós hoje poderemos imaginar. Este projeto d’Ele de criar um paraíso guiado por um Ser perfeito não sairá gorado, mas para isso teremos que regressar ao contacto para instrução direta com Ele.
Esta ponte foi quebrada e quanto mais tempo demorarmos para a reconstruir mais difícil será criar estruturas fortes para que esta ponte não mais se quebre.  
Hoje há quem queira fazer a travessia de modo diferente da que o Criador nos aconselhou e por isso esta passagem está ficando muito difícil. Sozinhos, não conseguiríamos compreender como usar os primeiros materiais para a construção de tão sublime ponte.  
Muitos indivíduos pretendem criar algo bom na Terra, no entanto apenas conseguem dar uma contribuição que ajuda mais e mais à destruição da vida e a aumentar a dor para todos os seres vivos existentes neste maravilhoso planeta; e digo maravilhoso planeta, pois ainda existem lugares realmente magníficos tanto pelas qualidades de alguns humanos como pela existência de fartura de vida e beleza. 
Este texto teve como inspiração um outro texto que o Gil Nobre, um meu leitor de há muito, me enviou.

Grata pelo incentivo e por me encorajares a focar meu tempo na escrita!
Unidos faremos grandes obras!   
Até breve!
Luz Compasso

terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2017


Alphabetic letters:
a divine gift...

In 1993, something happened to me that changed my whole life.
Since then, every day is full of divine epiphanies, a reason for me to enjoy writing chronicles and messages to be published in oracular books. 
The details of what actually happened are as follows:

A widow asked me to take care of his son, Pazito, and to let the boy stay in my home for some time.  She went to Spain and we both remained several months in Portugal without receiving any news from her.

One day, I left the child alone and he decided to call his friends to come over and to eat cookies and drink juices I kept at home to be sold later that day.

When I returned home, I saw the kids partying and eating all the cookies they had found in the house and which I had cooked.

I sent the kids away, and I locked Pazito in his room as a punishment. 

Then I started thinking about sending Pazito to a home for orphan kids.  

I went to his room, and he was reading the Bible.

He told me that he had opened it at random, and that was God’s way of telling him about his mother coming back. He said that with great assurance!

I did not believe, but he tried to convince me. 

He closed his eyes, he opened the Bible again at random and put his finger somewhere on the text. With his eyes still closed he asked me to read. 

He was pointing to Proverbs 15:25:

The house of the proud will be destroyed: but the Lord will establish the border of the widow.
There it was, the word “widow”! How could the boy have found that word with closed eyes?
It was just by chance that such a text had appeared under Pazito’s finger
I went away, still doubting that God would talk in such a way.
I had my Bible as well and asked myself whether I should use it for that purpose.

Would I be able to know God’s opinion, by chance, that is to say, by picking up sentences from the Bible, at random? No doubt, He knew better than I what to do with the boy.

For me, until that day, the Bible was a book full of symbols so that each person would be able to find his or her own interpretation.

But now I was thinking: - Will it be possible that God is going to answer if I open a book at random?

Since the Bible has thousands of pieces of advice, He can choose one of them to tell me whether I should send the boy out of my house? I was meditating and I decided to try an experiment.

I closed my eyes, because I didn’t want to choose the page or the verses myself. I asked: Shall I send  this child away?

When I reopened my eyes, my finger was pointing to the words of Jo 31:16,17 and I read:

If I have refused to give the poor what they desired... If I ate my morsel of bread myself, and did not share any of it with the orphan, but waved him away when he came seeking my help …

My hair stood up, I couldn’t control my astonishment!
The words I was reading left no room for any doubt

That text could not be understood in a different way. The words were absolutely to the point!

Just in front of me, I had received the confirmation that a random answer was really coming from God. Exactly as it had happened to the boy, it had also happened to me. It was clear proof that God exists and wants to tell us His opinions and give us His advice.

I made peace with the boy and went on giving him all he needed.
Exactly as he had predicted using God’s answer, his mother came back one week later. 

From that day on, I started to believe that the previous text, the one the boy had read first, was in fact an answer from God.

 Now I knew that God wanted to remove all doubts from my spirit.

My conclusion was that it had been useful not to believe at first.

In fact, in this case, it was good to doubt first, keeping in my heart the wish that God Himself would be the one to confirm whether what others tell us is real. 
To look for miracles or for the divine science?

From that moment on, I’ve never doubted again that God exists.
I had been taught that, for God to speak with us, a spectacular miracle was needed.

A miracle is something that does not repeat itself easily. But now
God is answering whenever we question Him.

That method was easy to confirm. Like in a science lab! We do the experiment and the answer comes out clear.

I understood that this finding was too precious to remain hidden from people.
From that moment on, I did not stop researching, and I started always asking questions, also using other books, even writing my own sentences and begging God to let me draw one of His choices.   

Clear answers came systematically. They were not happening  occasionally.

These dialogues using random searches became synchronizations between the divine thoughts and what I was asking Him. 
We understand that a unique event may be an occasional coincidence.
But a synchronicity is a set of successive actions which time is not going to change. Twenty years have passed since I started asking God questions,  making the most of this gift, and asking God to use letters to speak to me. 
This synchronicity was now open to us to analyze.

You can come and see this marvelous synchronicity. It can be repeated whenever and wherever you want.

That’s why I encourage the reader:

Come and learn to write many words to be approved by God and later put them on random systems.

Exactly as it happened to me, you’ll see your hair stand up as soon as you realize the treasures you are going to find!