sábado, 20 de maio de 2017


Quem bebe leite de vaca nao está sensibilizado para ser assertivo na contribuicao para que esta industria cruel permaneça. 

Veja e tenha coragem de decidir nao mais beber leite!


Voce bebe leite da vaca, entao experimente ver quanto um humano desde de nivel intelectual tornando-se animal! 
Tanto o é se beber direto da teta, como o é se beber da embalagem comprada no supermercado!  

quarta-feira, 17 de maio de 2017

All about us

Zé Manel Polido has two hobbies: one is Mathematics (today he is an emeritus university professor
and an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society
 but keeps playing with Math); 
the other one is  cats and grooming them. 

He has two citizenships: Portuguese and North American. 
He has two residence cities: 
Coimbra in Portugal and Newark in Delaware, USA

Coimbra Portugal

Zé Manel em Oackland , CA,  USA


Luz e José no dia em que festejaram 10 anos de casados

Luz and Jose partying ten years after their marriage

Luz e José num dia de Lua de Mel há 20 anos.
Luz and Jose during their honeymoon 20 years ago

Jacinta Luz (alias Luz Compasso)

Jacinta Luz (alias: Luz Compasso) was born in Mozambique, as the youngest among three sisters the eldest being thirteen years her senior. She attended  a primary school in the town of Sidvokodvo, Manzini, in Swaziland, Southern Africa. Thereafter, up until the 6th grade, she attended as a fulltime boarder, a catholic school, run by nuns, namely the António Barroso School, situated in Namaacha, Mozambique.
She then moved on to attend the Liceu António Enes public secondary school, in the city of (Lourenço Marques) Maputo. During this time, she qualified as a hairstylist, and did a runway modelling course. Her mother worked in the fashion industry, which helped promote her modelling career, whilst adorning her mother’s creations.
In 1975, she moved to Portugal, and in 1976, whilst living in Albergaria-a-Velha, she taught primary school children for a period of one year,
Between 1979 and 1980, she produced wool puppets and promoted a successful sports line under the label of “Pantera Branca” (White Panther). Further to this she re-created antique dresses for onstage scenes.
Between the periods of 1983 to 1985, whilst living in Lisbon, she attended a course in fashion designing, commencing her own workshop, developing a fashion line called “Rubilú Confections”. This workshop was situated in the mall known as, Centro Commercial das Amoreiras, in Lisbon central, also, spreading her business through the ownership of several boutiques, which promoted her collections, simultaneously training young ladies as models for her clothing line, on the runways of fashion shows. The “Rubilú” fashion line was distributed throughout Portugal, in the following locations, Sabugal, Souto, Paul, Óbidos, Lisbon and Faro
In 1992, after what she felt to be a message from God, she abandoned her commercial activity and commenced her work as a writer. Moving in 1994 to Spain, she took up residence with an elderly female author. After yet another dream, she returned to the town of Albergaria-a Velha in Portugal, where she continued to write: By this time she had produced seven books, although it was only in 2004 that she had these published
In 2003, she-co-founded a publishing house, Editora Luz da Vida, Lda, in the town of Coimbra.  To this day, she maintains the partnership in the publishing house, as well as partnership in the company Centrogest LLC.
During the period of 2004 to 2012, she moved on as an international speaker in Brazil, UAE and Germany. In April 2014, she founded the Divine Cities Foundation in Dover, Delaware, with the aim to inspire “Paradise Builders”, applying the slogan:  “Together, let us take our Being, our Home and our City and make them Divine”.
In 2015, starting up the small “Hotel de Charme” as best described in French, namely the “Despertar com Siso” meaning (Wake up with Wisdom), a place where cultural events take place, with holistic experiences.
It is her intention to organize oracular reatize writing courses in the near future.  This will be done together with both national and international writers.
A web site is presently being designed to operate with a random system which will work with several oracular sentences for self-help.  These sentences will be available in five languages, with the possibility of downloading on android cellular phones.  This system will also be available off line.
Luz Compasso expects to soon start the Divine Cities Foundation activities both in Portugal and the USA.
This book is going to be published in the USA, during 2017, by the Dorrance Publishing Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

SOS - Give me a Compass
Use this compass and see that God always responds.  Furthermore, participate in the CARD course alternatively resort to TheTree of Life oracle. 

Only in the position of counsellor can the reader understand that they have with them a Divine protector.
It merely requires  a decoded answer  to originate a cosmic epiphany.  To ask a question is to produce a miracle and to discover an immensely valuable secret. The person that makes this book their oracle and adds their experiences, will enlighten millions of people, whom will walk in harmony with their beings and to the compass of divine counsel.